


Live Q&A Monthly


Eric Wooten is the President and co-founder of Altared Marriage, an organization dedicated to strengthening relationships. He holds a Master’s in Marriage and Family Counseling and is a Licensed Professional Counselor. He is an author, podcaster, blogger and creates weekly content on his Youtube channel, Relationshots.

Jill is the co-founder and brains behind Altared Marriage. Putting up with Eric for twenty-seven years, she provides the world with living proof that “you too can do anything!” She is the director of marketing and social media, so basically she’s the only reason you have found us and are reading this. She is passionate about keeping marriages together and loves mentoring couples.

Eric and Jill have been working with couples for more than a decade and have a passion to help couples build strong, healthy relationships through great communication!

There are two options for membership payment. You can pay monthly at $29.99/month or you can pay annually at $299/year.(almost 20% savings over monthly payment)

You have unlimited access to a library of videos covering different marriage topics. Each video has an accompanying worksheet to guide you through the evaluation of your marriage in this area and the implementation of an action plan to grow the relationship. 

You will also get access to the private Altared Membership Community where you can engage in conversations and challenges with the community of couples. 

Additionally you will have access to monthly live Q&A’s with Eric, the team and other relationship experts. You will also get discounts on classes and courses offered by Altared Marriage.

You have unlimited access for as long as your membership is current.

You have the option to pay monthly or a one-time annual payment. The annual payment will renew on the one year anniversary of your original payment.

Each membership will be attached to just one email and login account for access to the videos and worksheets. Our desire is for couples to watch the videos and utilize the worksheets together.

You will each have your own logins and profiles for the Altared Membership Community so that you can interact individually with others in the community. We also have specific spaces for husbands to talk with other husbands and wives to talk with wives.

Absolutely. Contrary to what many people believe, a marriage can be improved with only one spouse working on it. That is obviously not the ideal situation, but you will find tools and resources to help you strengthen your marriage even if your spouse isn’t willing to work on it right now. You will also have the opportunity to connect with others in the membership community for encouragement, support and help.


Yes. We have a 7 day money back guarantee if you don’t feel like Membership is a good fit for you.